Behind the Scenes: Grow Up Artwork Shoot


Growing up... That's the theme of this months song. For the single cover  we shot my 4 year old cousin Finn dressed in my clothes. He is AMAZING and here's a little video of Finn talking about life. Song will be out next Friday!

Here's the final artwork image from our photoshoot for my new single "Grow Up", coming out NEXT FRIDAY April 27th. I think Finn really captured his "electric guitar rockstar" look he was going for. What do you think?

Grow Up_Final (1).jpg

Grow Up with Stolar

The Emotion: Excitement. As a baby and a 3 year old it looks like I was excited about everything. And I’m pretty sure I was. But underneath all that excitement is a flood of overwhelming emotions that was impossible for little me to comprehend. Now I look back at these photos and periods of my life almost as a map of how I became who I am, both the good and bad. This month’s release is all about “Growing Up”, how does growing up make you feel?

Exclusive Vault Release: "Simple As That"

Here's my April "Exclusive Vault Release" - it's a throwback called "Simple As That". I took this off itunes as my sound was changing and looking back I feel like deserve it's place in the world. Welcome back "Simple As That".